Thursday 4 April 2013

Reflecting on Oradea, Tulca and Cluj, Romania

Ok so let me set the stage for the next leg of the trip.  We drove 3 hours from Medgidea to Bucharest airport to catch a flight up to Munich and then another flight back down to Romania (Cluj).  Do not understand for the life of me how that happened but it did.  Anyways, the drive from Cluj to Oradea was 2.5 hours through windy roads through the Carpathain mountains filled with potholes that we swore we saw gift shops in. :)

One of the programs that CASA (Christian Agency for Social Change, Romania) does is to teach sewing so the women can build self esteem and hopefully increase their opportunity to gain employment or start their own business which has happened.

Another CASA program is teaching basic computer skills to participants in their programs.  Through valued donations of computers from people this is made possible.

The girl on the left in this family is in high school and hopes to be a chef and because of this CASA is able to help this family with basic necessities although the father is very abusive when he drinks and his wife (background) has seen a rough life...and she is not even 40 yet.  Could not believe this.

We drove to 3 homes which took almost 3 hours to do.  The dedication of this team is unmistakeable even if their driving is scary at times:)

The grandmother in this home takes care of her grandson because the grandson's mother abandoned her completely.  Very little to offer and yet she does what she can and CASA helps where they can.

This is the main room where at least 6 of the people CASA is helping out live live.  I think Kevin was just as shocked as me as we saw the social issues facing many of the people.  We look at ways to refinish our larger living spaces and decorate to the nines while others simply scrape by.  Be grateful for what you have and realize the value of that freedom to pursue opportunity here.  This visit has made me appreciate not only my family more but also to be content whether I remain the same, have a little less or gain more.  In no matter what state I shall be happy.

The mental issues and disability issues in Romania is extensive and so many are left to social agencies to find ways to help.  The Romanian government is very slow in acknowledging much of these issues and so the lives of many are left to the kind hearted actions of a small number of organizations like CASA to fill the gap.

Yeah we smile for the photo but don't think for one second that we don't feel the burden to help alongside some of these wonderful workers trying to make a difference for so many.
Next up was Tulca which was about 45 min from Oradea.  This location serves as a learning centre for many of the children locally who would have nothing without the help of those who work to see these precious kids get an education and hopefully a kickstart in life to become something more than their present lives.

Stepping into this classroom seems quite modern but it has taken a lot of work to get there and do not think for one minute that this is what it typically looks like for school for children in Tulca.

Just because she looks like a typical schoolgirl do not let that fool you.  There is much poverty and through donations and tireless work many of these kids' lives will be transformed and they in turn will make a difference to others...and so on.

Meet Sean and Sylvia Marcus (couple on right) and Liview (I know I am not spelling that correct) and Kevin who just happened to get in this one :)  It is these three who make all the difference to these children and are building a future for them.  And if you think it is glamorous think again.  They only get half the money for these projects supported.  The other half this couple has invested is their own pensions...and that is yearly not one time.  Their ongoing dedication is seen by their commitment of resources and time and energy.  While many ponder what vacations and travelling to do as retired couples...they are doing the work to serve those in need.  Don't get me wrong...nothing wrong with vacations or travelling.  This was just an observation.  

IT was the generous donation of school supplies from family and friends back here that resulted in us being able to distribute much needed supplies to the teacher of this class(far right) as well as to the children whose faces lit up too....but not too much as they were learning :)  A smile here from me because the generosity of some back home made the difference for some here...and that would make anyone smile.

Sharing a simple but yummy meal of soup and bread and juice with the leaders of this project.

More school supplies.

Along this trip we have had to stop for horse drawn carts, dogs and yes...even sheep.  and you thought traffic was bbbaaaad here (sorry for the pun but had to) :)

On our drive back to Cluj we saw some huge houses.  Turns out that this is that town famous on YouTube for massive gypsy houses being built.  Before you think life is grand for all here realize this is a select few and the means in order to do this was most certainly derived from corrupt measures.  Since it is important for people to see wealth by the way these houses look it was not uncommon to find out most of the rooms are unoccupied or used as they cannot afford at this time to heat them or have hydro.  But the means to do these elaborate mansions is nothing to boast about.  Some will send their children to other countries in the EU to beg tourists for money and then send it back home.  IT is deplorable the measures some put their children through in order to satisfy their own desires.  

Ok so I have a thing for old doors...and big ones at that.  This one is in Cluj near the centre.

 Belivee it or not the lower part of the building in the background is a KFC

Absolutely stunning architecture on some of these buildings.

               The picture on the left is a street shot of one of the main roads in the centre of Cluj (the university district so it is pretty hip...if that is even a cool word to use anymore lol.  On theright is is a cafe built into archways of the building.  Too cold that night but summer here would be fantastic

Kevin definitely looks weary as we leave the 7th flight in 11 days.  Just one more after this stop in Munich and we are home.  8 flights in 11 days...madness.

The welcome home party from Becky and the family was off the charts.  When I finally got home via Airbus they were waiting and what meets me but my Becky who jumps up and wraps herself around me so tight...and I couldn't have been more happy (and still am).  After a meal out and getting home there were posters, balloons, cards and lots and lots of hugs and kisses...even our dog was happy too.  The biggest thing I learned is to appreciate what I do have and never take it for granted.

So good to be home and be with my precious family.  I experienced a lot and learned a lot about myself in the process.  There is still some unpacking and digesting this whole trip to do but being with and loving my family is top priority right now.

I am going to do one more blog update to summarize the experience, some travel tips and perhaps some humour mixed in with some thoughts of this.  I am so grateful to all of you who have followed me on this journey and who will have hopefully learned some things along the way about a small area of land in with people who are lost but not forgotten.

One more entry to come so stay tuned....

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