Tuesday 19 March 2013

Seeing Krakow emerge...and a few thoughts

This is one of the main markets inside the old town section called Stare Miasto, Krakow.  The usual tourist shirts and things but some very unique hand carved gifts and crafts too.  The complete fusion of the old and the new is very evident here although the architecture is breathtaking if you like this sort of thing...a photographer's mecca of sorts.

Art and practical transportation collide in this example out front of an art gallery in Kazimierz which is in the Jewish quarters district.  This area was one of the ghettos from WWII when the Nazi's invaded and was recounted in Schindler's list.  But this place is the art and cultural centre of it all...and there are like restaurants or cafes every 30-50 feet and I am not kidding!!

One of the Jewish Synagogues walls that now blend in with the adjoining buildings and in the heart of the Jewish district.  To think that innocent blood en mass was shed in this district (many were shot in the alleyways) for just believing something different.

We have yet to take the grand tour of Wawel Castle but from what we saw on the outside and inside...this is one big house.  This house would have my Becky decorating for an entire life and still not finishing.

Ok...so looking stoic is not my thing but I thought I would give it a try.  The cobblestone is hundreds and hundreds of years old. 

The food here is sooooo rich that i don't even want to think about or comment on it suffice to say that you will never go hungry or be starved eating traditional Polish fare.  Above is Polish style ribs with dumplings and I had a bread bowl soup of forest mushroom...mmm good but I am still hurting 8 hours later.

Just a great shot down the streets of old town.

The building here is the second oldest in Europe or Poland...I should have paid a bit of closer attention to our host that was with us up to this point.

Now that you have an idea of Krakow a bit visually let me fill in a few other thoughts and musings.
The merchants here are very efficient.  They will help you find what you are looking for, put the price on the calculator and show you and wait to be paid and then show you the door.  It is a shock from a customer service point of view but funny at the same time. I already mentioned it but will say again that there is soooo 
much food everywhere and so no worries about eating.  The Lego here costs more than back home so no deals there if you like Lego like my boys :)

The whole purpose of this leg of the trip is to scout out the area to ensure it is safe to bring fellow trekkers for future Vision Trips for EuroAid.  We did meet with a wonderful partner here who is doing some amazing work so we simply spent time encouraging him too...and he encouraged us.

I will say that there is a lot of drivers that could put NASCAR drivers to shame lol.  Even the cab we came in with was one I think.  I was impressed that most drive standard here so I didn't feel like an ageing remnant of technology not driving  automatic as enthusiastically as I should.  And....they have the best yogurt in the world here!  It is to die for.  Ok...I will add the picture as you gotta see the name if you ever get the chance to have it (above pic if that was even needed....lol)

Tomorrow (Wed) is a visit to Ausschwitz-Birkenau.  I expect it to be a very emotional day and a lot of thoughts to go through my mind.

I Skyped with my family for almost 2 hours today as I miss them dearly and they miss me.  As Kevin would say "If they don't miss you, I would think they were crazy"  He summed it up well and it is very common for this separation anxiety but it does not negate the fact that I love my family very much and they are with me in spirit on this whole trip.  I am very proud to be associated not only with EuroAid but also with it's director and my friend as he has shown me not only what a friend can be and a Christian but there is no arrogance and no judgement and no attitude of 'holier than thou'.  Just because we are one thing does not negate the fact that we care about the world and people around us and are looking for ways to help as life is hard enough as is (thank you Becky for reminding me of that and keeping me real) so why not encourage one another and help out wherever and whenever you can however you can. Just sayin is all.

Stay tuned for more and do feel free to comment whenever you like.

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