Thursday 21 March 2013

Travel to Katowice, Poland

I should have paid closer attention to our host the other day when he told me about this statue in the centre of the marketplace courtyard in Krakow Old City (its like a piazza....not a pizza).  Anyways...gorgeous architecture here.

Hello Lampy (my son will get that joke)

After a 1 hour+ drive at 140 km/hr legally (our host drove) we arrived in Katowice to see the office of our hosts and spend time.  What a wonderful couple they are.  They are EU directors for an organization that works with students. Katowice may not be the most touristy part of Poland but it has its landmarks.  This one is a famous statue commemorating the struggle and fall of communism...or maybe just the fall...or maybe just the struggle....what do I know as I was too busy trying to take the photo from a moving car!!! lol

This is an interesting story.  The church above is a Lutheran church which is centrally located in Katowice instead of a Catholic church.  First off it is Lutheran due to the German influence as they owned this area a number of years ago so the architecture reflects that culture.  Secondly, the Lutheran church was not allowed to be in the centre of town BUT it wasn't.  This church was outside the city limits but Katowice expanded and through it all the boundaries ended up placing this church in the centre of the city just by that funny and cool is that (or maybe i just find it ironic)

Hey Kevin...did you notice that our hosts have a corkscrew entwined in their lamp how funny is that???  

So the time in Krakow is over and our time in Katowice was very  pleasant with hosts who made us feel very much welcomed.  The homemade bread and that fantastic brown cheese from Norway as well as dinner was amazing.  

Odd thing though was that while these experiences are wonderful and I am enjoying my time with Kevin on this trip it is just not the same without my Becky.  She is my harbour and my best friend and I miss her so very much as I know she misses me too. Coming home soon and we can spend time putting together all this footage babe :)  

Anyways, tomorrow it is off to Krakow airport and then on to Vienna and then to Bucharest. Stay tuned as the journey continues and we get down to seeing some incredible work that EuroAid is doing with its partners in Romania among some very hurting people.  Building relationships wherever we can and finding ways to help here is what we do and we are glad you are on this journey with us through this blog.  More to come as the journey unfolds.

1 comment:

  1. William, you are involved in an amazing thing. You should be very proud of yourself and Euroaid.

    I know this really is only the beginning of your journey but you and Kevin are doing great.

    We miss you!!

    Your family. xoxoxo
